Monday, December 14, 2009

Quilt Block Robin - The Unveiling

Over the past months eight talented, creative women have been passing around fabrics, notebooks and madly sewing quilt blocks in a "quilt block robin".
The concept is that each participant chooses a background fabric and writes in their notebook what they do and don't want in their blocks. Then the package is passed one to the other and gets back to the owner at the end.

On December 6th they invited the community to see what they had been doing and look at everyone's completed blocks. I was lucky enough to get to attend. The eight women are pictured here in front of the blocks that were completed for Janelle. Her background colour was green and she wanted red to be the other colour used in her blocks.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Committee - post AGM 2009

Did you ever get the feeling that you were being groomed for something? Well I think that committee had me pegged as soon as I walked in the door and opened my big mouth!! All joking aside I am honoured to be the new president of the Flinders Poppy. All the members that I have met so far have made me so welcome and I love being amongst like minded creative people.

So after our AGM on 17th October we have a new committee.

President - Marguerite Leahy (I was Marg Bolam - just so you don't think there are two of us!)
Vice Presidents - Kerry Davidson and Marg Clemments
Secretary - Karen Back
Treasurer - Sue Nott
Publicity Officer - Sherilee Honnery

Thankyou to the hard work and dedication performed by the outgoing committee members - Kerry Davidson as president and Lindy Hiller as treasurer.

At our general meeting following the AGM I asked that everyone "think big" regarding workshops or projects that they would like to see The Poppy undertake. So if you have any grand ideas please send me an email or come to the next general meeting on the 21st of November at 10am.

I hope to see you there.

Outback Scrap 2009

Well the Outback Scrap weekend went off with a bang. Starting Friday night with a speed scrap challenge (by the end many of the participants were slightly crazier than at the start).

Saturday began with a childrens workshop which was very well attended and the kids got to get their teeth into some scrapbooking.

Saturday and Sunday continued with workshops, lucky spot giveaways and lots of great food!!

Thankyou to our workshop tutors and also to the hardworking members of the Flinders Poppy Craft group who volunteered hours of their time to make the weekend happen.

A big thankyou to the "Regional Arts Development Fund" (RADF) which makes events such as the Outback Scrap much easier to hold in outback towns such as Hughenden.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Only one week to OUTBACK SCRAP!!

Well there is only one week to go until Outback Scrap 2009. If you haven't had the opportunity to get a program booklet please email me -
Due to formatting issues I cannot link it onto the blog. Numerous night shifts and this document has driven me close to the edge!! Count to 10 Marg, count to 10!
I can't wait to meet lots of you on the weekend.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Outback Scrap..........Have you registered?

Well the Outback Scrap weekend is quickly approaching. We have booklets out everywhere and due to some technical issues we are unable to put the booklet on here. But if you can't locate a booklet please send me an email and we will get one to you

Monday, July 20, 2009

Only 7 weeks until Outback Scrap

We had great attendance at the monthly general meeting on Saturday and I got to meet members that I hadn't met yet so that was fantastic.
Only 7 weeks until Outback Scrap and we were busy organising all the details. Advertising will be starting soon and the details of how to register for the weekend should be on this blog within the next few days.

We have had a great response from members regarding the quilt along and we expect to start it once the Outback Scrap weekend has passed.

Yearly memberships are now due so expect to receive a letter to renew your membership soon. If you don't receive a letter please contact us.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Meeting Tomorrow!!

Well the monthly meeting is on tomorrow - Saturday. I have no doubt that there will be lots of discussion regarding the outback scrap so if you want to get involved make sure you come along. Here are some pics of Outback Scrap 2008 to get you excited!! It is only 7 weeks away - OMG!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday at the Poppy

Well today I was lucky enough to have a day off on a Tuesday. So I bundled up some pages to fold and headed off to the Poppy Cottage. While Sue was busy doing some rearranging I went mad with the camera. So there will be some more colourful posts from now on. We had quite a few travellers stop in at the shop - people on holidays are so cheery!! In between talking to visitors Sue and I did some craft. Embroidery for Sue and preparation of journal pages for me. I hope you are all enjoying the updates. Next time I get a Tuesday off will probably be 2013 but I am hoping to get to the Sunday craft morning in July. Until next post........Marg

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thanks for the feedback.

Have been playing around with the design of the blog so it may look different since you last visited. I have gotten some great feedback - so thanks to everyone who commented. Also we have quite a few people interested in doing the quilt along. Which is fantastic.

I have been busily making books and doing some stained glass so I should have items to contribute to the shop soon. Most of the items that I make I give away as presents etc so unfortunately I don't have a stockpile. Anyhoo.... there should be some photos soon as well as more info regarding the Outback Scrap. Have a great week everyone...Marg

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Welcome to the Poppy's Blog!!

Outback Scrap

As the intensely popular annual Outback Scrap weekend comes ever closer we thought that the
best way to get the info out to everyone is via the Poppy Blog. Due to some admin issues this will be our new blog address. The link from the Hughenden website will be updated very soon.

Want to learn to quilt? Or would you like any excuse to use up some of your stash?

We are also considering hosting a 'quilt along'. Step by step photos and instructions for a monthly block will be posted on the blog as well as 'in the flesh' sessions at the craft cottage. If this is a project you could get your teeth or needles (!) into please vote on the survey on the right.

If we go ahead we will require ideas of blocks from our more savvy quilting members starting with a simple block for beginners and working up to a more complex block by the end of the quilt along. So get your thinking caps on. (Kerry - I am sure a crazy patch will be appreciated!)

The aim of the blog?

We would love this blog to become a meeting place for all current and prospective members of the Poppy - especially if you can't get to the cottage. So if you have any completed projects you would like to show off please email me -

Who am I you may ask? My name is Marguerite Bolam - please call me Marg. I moved to Hughenden in December as a Train Driver. Am loving living here and am rapt that there is such a great group to be involved in. When the hardworking committee needed a help with the blog I jumped in. So I hope to meet more of you in the future.