Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Committee - post AGM 2009

Did you ever get the feeling that you were being groomed for something? Well I think that committee had me pegged as soon as I walked in the door and opened my big mouth!! All joking aside I am honoured to be the new president of the Flinders Poppy. All the members that I have met so far have made me so welcome and I love being amongst like minded creative people.

So after our AGM on 17th October we have a new committee.

President - Marguerite Leahy (I was Marg Bolam - just so you don't think there are two of us!)
Vice Presidents - Kerry Davidson and Marg Clemments
Secretary - Karen Back
Treasurer - Sue Nott
Publicity Officer - Sherilee Honnery

Thankyou to the hard work and dedication performed by the outgoing committee members - Kerry Davidson as president and Lindy Hiller as treasurer.

At our general meeting following the AGM I asked that everyone "think big" regarding workshops or projects that they would like to see The Poppy undertake. So if you have any grand ideas please send me an email or come to the next general meeting on the 21st of November at 10am.

I hope to see you there.

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